Does Google Really Hate SEO’s?

July 7, 2013 robot Uncategorized

Well in this writers humble belief, No! Google does not dislike SEO’s, or at the least search engine optimization conducted by honest SEO organizations – what is the point?

Sure make life burdensome for people wanting to shape the internet search engine results, however in terms of hat..

After reading a few new articles, some right saying that Google hates SEO’s and others being more stealthy in their aspersions, the question must be asked. Does Google really hate SEO’s?

Well in this authors humble view, No! Google doesn’t hate SEO’s, or at the very least search engine optimisation done by ethical SEO organizations – what is the point?

Sure make life burdensome for people wanting to shape the se results, however in terms of hating a market, I’d have to draw the line lacking that (although perhaps their wings may be needed by some of our less industrious spam-friendly friends clipping significantly).

To be brutally honest, I can see no reason behind Google, or some other search engine, to hate SEO’s. Search motor optimisation, I would suggest, is one of the important explanations why search engines have become as effective because they currently come in refining their benefits.

We internet search engine marketeers, at the conclusion of the day, want our campaigns to work and rely heavily on a ROI focussed service. For this reason, all aspects of the marketing mix have to be working in synergy, therefore targeting and meaning are fundamental aspects of all our campaigns. Essentially, this is what Google wants – good quality, related results.

Google have provided a of tools, directed at providing marketeers and likely marketeers with sufficient information to market their websites – whether tips, webmaster tools, API access or blogs. Visit rand fishkin to compare the purpose of it. Definitely such action is just a clear sign of support and not really a case of wanting to reduce the effect of would be search engine marketeers.

Especially, most search engine marketing agencies don’t just offer SEO, they offer paid search (PPC) as well. They run the chance of affecting paid search spend, surely if the search engines frustrate these companies by attacking SEO. Google, Yahoo and MSN function very closely with firms as regards their paid search campaigns, therefore it is plausible to assume that to alienate the Search Engine Optimisation action of a company would definitely impact on paid search as well. Too much of an economic risk I’d have thought!

Fundamentally, the problem “Does Google actually hate SEO’s?” Comes down to one crucial element. What industrial benefits could there possibly maintain curtailing SEO task?.Charles Floate

29 Glendon Way




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