Dentist San Jose CA Indications and Protection against Tooth Deterioration

August 18, 2013 robot Health

Dentist San Jose CA

Tooth erosion is merely of the dental issues people are experiencing. It does not take wearing down of the teeth enamel caused by a acid in our mouth. The tooth enamel, the hardest substance from the body, is made of tough calcified tissue that handles and protects the exterior part of the teeth.

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Read on and we will explore numerous valuable tips.

Actually the actual saliva in our mouth area contains some calcium supplements which help in the conditioning and re-mineralization of the enamel. However, this process of re-mineralization can be hindered if there is a large amount of acid present in our mouth. Soft drinks and pure fruit juice contains great amount of acid thus causing tooth erosion.

Tooth erosion actually occurs in different range. Early symptoms of tooth erosion are tooth discoloration, tooth sensitivity, rounded teeth and transparent appearance. The discoloration of the tooth usually occurs when the dentin of the tooth becomes exposed during tooth erosion causing its yellowish appearance. As the dentin becomes more uncovered, the more the yellow the tooth becomes.

The actual exposure of the dentin also can cause tooth awareness as the tooth teeth enamel that protects the teeth wears away. Throughout the early stages of enamel erosion, it is estimated for the teeth to get a rounded look. Even though it is uncommon to find out this symptom in the first stage, some teeth may have a transparent look.

Tooth erosion can certainly cause severe injury to your teeth. Nonetheless, you can prevent enamel erosion from actually happening with some straightforward tips. After eating acid foods or ingesting acidic beverages, rinse out your mouth with drinking water to neutralize the existence of acid in your mouth area.

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After consuming acidic meals or beverages, loose time waiting for at least an hour ahead of brushing your the teeth. This will allow the tooth to re-mineralize after some direct exposure from acid. Make use of straw when ingesting carbonated beverages or any other sweet drinks that are considered acidic. Using straw enables the particular liquid to go directly to the back part of the oral cavity rather than washing the idea over the teeth. It is advisable to swallow the citrus liquid quickly as an alternative to holding them with your mouth.

It would be better if you avoid carbonated drinks and eating or drinking sweet foods and beverages. Always use soft toothbrush to avoid hurting your gums and use toothpaste that has fluoride. Fluoride is an essential material in toothpaste which assists in reducing the level of sensitivity of the tooth. Nibbling sugar free nicotine gums can also be a great help. Gnawing gums actually boosts the amount saliva that is important in the re-mineralization procedure in the mouth.

Due to the fact tooth erosion can be caused by different factors, it is crucial to consult your dental practice when experiencing the early on signs of its incident in the teeth. Your dentist can actually advise you with proper medication as well as the proper caring of your teeth to avoid the worsening of its condition. This unwelcome oral problem can really be prevented with suitable hygiene and choosing your diet.

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