Complementary private medical insurance to supplement the national health assurance

October 14, 2013 sarah Uncategorized

Germany has a statutory health assurance system (GKV). A full private health insurance (PKV) is only available for individuals who are not obliged to be members of the governmental medical insurance. But everybody has the opportunity to contract complementary private medical insurance besides the statutory health assurance. On the market there are a lot of assurance providers providing these supplementary private health assurances. On that site one can get a cost-free comparison of assurance offerers and get their personal supplementary private medical assurance quotation:

A complementary private sickness assurance has a lot of benefits:

The supplementary private health insurance provides additional advantages to members of the statutory health insurance in Germany. Private health assurance vendors pay items, which are not paid by the governmental health assurance. The details are dependent on your individual contract. The monthly expenses of the private sickness assurance are only dependent on the personal contract and are not calculated in accordance to your earnings. Everybody, who is not happy with the inferior performance of the national health assurance, should think about buying supplementary private health assurance. So you can get the comfortable feeling to be cured with better treatment and performance in case of an illness.
Everybody qualifying for a full private health assurance should also always ask for different offers before contracting their private medical insurer. This can be accomplished via Internet: Private Krankenversicherungen fuer Referendare.

Every German, who is obliged to join the governmental medical insurance (GKV), can contract additional private medical assurance. This applies especially to workers and employees whose earnings are below the GKV assurance limit. The insurance limit is a salary of 4,050 Euros per month in 2009. Patients with a complementary private health assurance can be treated like private patients. This means that the assurers pay items like glasses and contact lenses. In addition, a patient with a complementary private medical insurance might get a single room in hospital as well as daily compensation payments for the period of sickness.
Private patients see the medical bills and know how much is charged. So you can see how much the different items are. As a private insured, you can control the medical invoices. A lot of companies offer the option of making modulation to the tariff of the active agreement. That is quite beneficial when your individual situation changes over time.

Customers may find different money related posts on this site: insurance article. Simply enjoy these assurance related articles and stay tuned.

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