Baking Soda Treatment for Acne and Acne Scars

September 9, 2012 robot Beauty

Is acne creating untold distress in your life? Are you struggling to get a wholesome solution to the problem? It might seem challenging, but all types of acne have some sort of solution or the other. Acne is a universal skin problem. But, the treatment varies from individual to individual depending upon the skin type, lifestyle etc. Severe forms of acne, like cystic acne may require medical intervention and prescription therapies or other advanced therapies. You need not be overwhelmed by such terms! Sometimes, the items in your kitchen cabinet are sufficient to get rid of this unsightly skin ailment. Let’s go on to see how baking soda can assist you eradicate acne and its related scars.

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, has been traditionally used for treating pimples and scars. A lot of people have found it to be great at treating acne. It works on the principle of exfoliation, meaning that it peels off the top layer of your skin and exposes the cleaner surface underneath. Hence, it is also helpful to remove scars. Further, it removes the excess oil from the skin. You may be aware that oily skin is the main reason for acne breakouts. Hence, it is an inexpensive remedy to clean and refresh the skin and enhance your complexion.

How do I use baking soda for acne treatment? It is rather simple and takes only a few minutes to prepare a baking soda mask. All you have to do is to mix one part of baking soda with two parts of water and prepare a paste. Apply this paste on your face with a spatula, leave it for around 15 to 20 minutes and wash off with cool water. But, you need to know about your skin type prior to trying the remedy. This is because the chemical composition of baking soda may be harsh on sensitive skin. It is advisable to test by first applying the paste on a small spot and leaving it for a couple of minutes. If you instantly sense a burning feeling, this treatment is not acceptable for you. Do not get discouraged. There are other milder natural treatments and home remedies for acne.

Inspite of the chemical composition, baking soda has rarely caused serious repercussions. You must never leave it on your skin for more than twenty minutes. After washing it off, apply a suitable moisturizer or even a calamine lotion depending on your skin type. You can leave the moisturizer overnight. Follow the method once a week to see effective results. As you know exfoliation techniques can work wonders on the skin, provided you are cautious and well-aware of your skin type and condition.

Topical applications and cleansing agents are not enough to lead an acne free life. You must find the factors that trigger acne and steer clear of them to the best possible extent. For example, you may need to stay away from certain beauty products or some types of foods. Alternatively, you must maintain skin hygiene through proper cleansing methods and follow a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise, sufficient intake of water and proper diet are very important for our skin health. Have you read Clearade reviews? They demonstrate the role of acne vitamins in improving the oil metabolism of your skin. Balancing the oil or sebum secretion in your skin is a natural way to treat acne.

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