Ash Locums
Ash Locums is a provision of medical professionals to the out of hour’s services in the UK. Ash Locums also provides information for prospective locums doctors.
Do your homework. Find out what agencies supply locums in your hospital, ask locums that work there who employ them or speak directly to the hospital. The agencies will require a lot of paperwork from you including a disclosure which can take up to 8 weeks, therefore be aware of this and make your application to agencies in advance of anticipating work. The agencies will also require original copies of the documents listed below so you should look them out in advance.
· A CV with 2 references/current referees
· GMC certificate
· Certificates of appropriate qualifications
· Hep B, Hep C, Rubella, Varicella and Tuberculosis status documentation
· Copy of your passport
· Proof of eligibility to work in the UK and work permit (if required)
· Proof of membership to medical defence organisation (ie MDU)
· Enhanced Disclosure from the Criminal Records Bureau/Disclosure Scotland or Police clearance (if you currently live outside the UK)
When considering work be practical about location when accepting jobs; where are you happy to travel to. Do you have your own transport or do you rely on public transport, will you be able to travel long distances in adverse weather conditions. If you would like to accept a job far from home you should discuss with the agency if provide accommodation allowance or pay for your travel. Most agencies do not provide this, so again it is worth investigating before accepting what may seem like attractive job offer.
As locum work can fluctuate you may find yourself reluctant to turn work down when it is available, especially since the rates that locums get paid can be attractive. However make sure that you give yourself a break to avoid burning yourself out, this is important as some companies make you sign a weaver declaring you are not too tired to work, therefore if any mistakes are made you will be held responsible.
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