Are The Top Professionals Any Good For Golf Swing Instructions?

February 2, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

If you’re looking for golf swing instructions, that may seem like a silly question. You might think that of course the top pro golfers are great for golf swing tips, because who wouldn’t want to play like Tiger Woods, right?


Yes, of course we do all dream of playing like him and the other champion golfers, but with all due respect, it seems to me that there two main reasons why Tiger Woods would probably not be particularly good as your teacher.

The first reason is that he is not a teacher, he is a professional golf player. His job, how he makes his living, is to compete in golf tournaments. He does not make his living as an instructor, so he has probably not had much (if any) experience or training in how to teach beginners or amateur players. Less gifted players have difficulties and questions that the top players may never have needed to address.

Even if they do have some of the same problems, before every practice or tournament round that he plays, while a champion golfer goes through his hour-long warm-up working though his bag of clubs, he will be watched. He will be watched by maybe his fitness instructor, maybe his psychologist, but absolutely he will be watched by his coach! It is the coach that is the teacher, not the player.

In fact most champion pros, and Woods is no exception, will have changed their swing and other major points of their game at some point in their career. When they did, you can bet they did not do it all by themselves. They did it under instruction from their coach.

The second reason why pros might not be the best guide to follow, is that their strokes are tailored to their style of game and their own physique and muscular structure. There is a huge variety of different styles when it comes to the swing. The intended end result is exactly the same for all of them, but each player goes about it in the way that best suits them.

This is a key point, because your most effective golf swing will be the one that makes the most efficient use of the body you have. Although it may be useful to watch instructional videos showing various different approaches, in the end you will not receive your most effective golf swing instructions from copying another person, as their swing has been honed for their own individual body.

These two key points are good reasons why you if you want to improve your game with good golf swing tips, seek golf swing tips from a teacher rather than a competing pro player.

effective golf swing, golf swing instructions, golf swing tips, tiger woods,

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