All About Balance Bikes
As your child grows older, he or she would also move from playing with simple rattles to riding bikes. That is the reason why at this point of time, you would already have to purchase a balance bike. A balance bike is basically just a bike that is designed to help little ones learn to ride a bicycle. But what makes the balance bike different from a typical bicycle is that it teaches your child to balance first and pedal later instead of beginning with a downsized version of an adult bike that has training wheels.
That is why if you want to get a balance bike for your child, you must know things about the balance bikes. Balance bikes have various designs and forms. They can be made from metal or they can be wooden balance bike. Aside from that balance bikes can also just be the typical bicycle without the pedals and other parts, or it can be built purposely for very small children, or it can even either have no brakes or two hand-activated rim brakes.
But no matter what feature the balance bike has, there are absolute must-haves for every balance bike and that includes bike height that would allow your child to walk the bike while he or she sits in the saddle and with his or her feet flat on the ground. Over time, your child will eventually be able to lift his or feet off the ground and cruise with the bicycle. Extra features that can be added in his or her balance bike can help him or her have lower risks of falling. These include footrests, hand brakes and steering limiters.
Once your child becomes familiar with the balance bike, he or she can move on to a bigger bike with pedals. To know more about click this link.
This choice of your child riding a balance bike before a normal bike has been marketed widely by most balance bike manufacturers as extremely beneficial because children can learn to ride the bike faster since they first learn how to balance and countersteer and then followed by pedalling. They also say that the presence of training wheels on bikes slow the bike learning process because the child tends to rely on the existence of the training wheels.
But paediatricians have not really supported this claim. If you are still interested to get a balance bike despite this contradiction then you can take a pick from the most popular brands which are strider balance bike, skuut balance bike, and the kazam balance bike.
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