Abnormal Weight Loss – Discovering the Cause

April 11, 2013 sarah Health

Handful of nice strategies from bizcartel as well as investitions. Especially when a person is trying to lose weight they appreciate any loss, but an unusual or irregular loss should be considered a possible symptom of something serious. Of course see a doctor and try not to worry because the marvels of modern medicine can treat most ailments once diagnosed. In order to diagnose and treat the symptom, you need to first understand whether it be physical or otherwise.

Often, substantial loss of weight can be attributed to an eating sickness. The two syndromes that are most heard about are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. If a so called psychological sickness is not addressed it may well result in serious bodily harm; possibly even death. Often time, the one who is living with the disorder has trouble admitting they have the illness, which makes diagnosing the treatment tough. It can be dangerous not to help yourself or a friend that may be stricken with this eating disease; seek advice from a person that can be there for you.

Hyperthyroidism could possibly be a cause of abnormal weight loss. The thyroid gland keeps your metabolism regulated, and if it isn’t working correctly you may gain lots of weight or lose lots of weight. Weight gain is usually caused by hypothyroidism, which means the thyroid gland isn’t working as much as it should be.

Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, is the disorder that causes the thyroid to produce too much thyroxin, which can bring about a number of symptoms, including insomnia, rapid heart beat, nervousness and weight loss. It’s very common to lose weight when you have this condition, even if you eat a lot of food. Because hyperthyroidism can be helped by adjusting your diet as well as using certain medications, you should go and get your thyroid checked out at the doctors.

Type 1 diabetes can also be another cause of abnormal weight loss, and it’s usually diagnosed in younger people. Type two diabetes is the one that most people know of, and it usually affects those between the ages of 35 and 70, however it normally makes people put on weight. Type 1 diabetes, the body is unable to produce insulin, which is used to produce glucose, the type of sugar the body needs for energy. The various symptoms brought about by this are a lack of energy, frequent dehydration and weight loss. With this type of diabetes, there’s usually a good appetite but the person still doesn’t gain weight. The right type of treatment, which could comprise of taking medication and eating a good diet, can help reign the symptoms in. Abnormal weight loss, as we’ve seen, can have a variety of causes, and if you’re experiencing this you definitely want to find out what’s going on. Once you physician has made his recommendations, you will be able to move forward on a new plan to regain the lost weight. If you were on the heavy side before and wish to keep the weight off or maintain your weight, you must at least eat right and get exercise. For a handful of more visit this site

abnormal weight loss, lose weight, thyroid gland,

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