A Buyers Guide to Diamond Engagement Rings

April 21, 2013 sarah Uncategorized

No engagement is complete without the diamond engagement ring. Engagement ring prices can range in price greatly and it is the diamond that makes the engagement ring such an expensive gift. With such an important investment, you should make sure you understand some of the basics principles of buying diamonds.

Professional jewellers use four factors called the 4Cs to purchase diamonds, and you should use the same standards to buy the diamond engagement ring.

Colour – This refers to the degree to which the diamond is colourless. The colour of the diamond has a significant impact on its overall value. You can ask the jeweller to place the diamonds you are interested in order based on colour value. When comparing diamonds for colour, most consumers are not able to detect a difference unless they are at least two or three colour grades apart.

Clarity – Clarity is no less important when it comes to selecting a diamond. An Fl (Flawless) graded diamond shows no inclusions (inclusions = flaws) under 10X magnification. The fewer the imperfections, the rarer and more valuable the diamond.

Cut – This is the angles and proportions of the diamond shape. Cut is also called “make,” the better the cut the more attractive the diamond. Valuing the diamond based on cut can be very subjective.

Carat – Most people compare carat weight to size. Carat weight is the basic measuring unit of diamonds. The larger the diamond the more it weighs.

Whilst they are all beautiful, diamonds can vary greatly in colour, clarity, cut, and carat weight. We hope you’ll find the above information helpful in selecting your diamond rings. Always bear in mind that you should only buy diamond rings from a reputable jeweller.

carat weight, diamond engagement, diamond rings,

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