About Sudden Kundalini

June 13, 2013 robot Fitness

The purpose of Kriya Yoga is to free kundalini in a balanced way. Kriya Yoga applied and exercised in its perfect and complete way, consists of commandments of love, teachings about spiritual laws as well as all necessary preparatory teachings about God ‘s creation in combination with the right Kriya Yoga techniques will assist you to master the flow of kundalini and use the ever increasing flow of kundalini shakti for your spiritual welfare as well as for the spiritual welfare of all creation. Without kundalini no aliveness because kundalini shakti energy is nothing else but the cosmic vital force coming from God that keeps all beings alive . No awakening of the Kundalini Shakti is possible as it is always flowing to a certain extent. What yogi often call the awakening of the Kundalini Shakti is a immediate reduction of opposition to its flow caused either by certain accidents , special spiritual practices directed at awakening the Kundalini Shakti, or maybe more often just as a reaction to conscious spiritual growing . Spontaneous waking up of kundalini force occurs as a result of sudden positive changes in living. Accidental kundalini waking up , spontaneous awakening of is caused by sudden decrease of your ego. The reaction of abrupt removal or fading away of a substantial piece of your ego at the precise time. Such may occur because of loss of a loved one, loss of belongings, divorces = loss of an obstruction in your living with wrong partner . Of course the typical situation of growth or awakening of kundalini would be as a result of your conscious Kriya Yoga practice or other spiritual practice such as developing divine love toward all. Sudden changes in your life may cause any one or several manifestations of your ego or karma to all of a sudden go away and that is exactly like if a racer driver suddenly removes his handbrake to free the ability of his engine. Ego manifestations are ill artificial breaks – or ill spiritual blockages of your divinity. Ego shrinks the free flow of kundalini to the level of causing extensive drowsiness , tiredness , loss of vital force, loss of sexual potential hence loss of love potential . Hence a sudden kundalini force wakening means nothing else but a sudden modification in your life , such as death of a loved person causing you to contemplate God and meaning of life and death, or quiet often a divorce from a entirely mismatching spouse or a change of occupation into a loving industry or a new home in or near mother earth may be some of the common reasons to drastically boost the flow of kundalini. Be happy if a sudden increase in kundalini occurs to you. It is the ultimate goal for all human beings to get kundalini flowing again and to eventually return home to our divine world in God. An increment or sudden increment of kundalini force is a benediction from God and in no way an accident to prevent or suppress . If a sudden increase in kundalini flow presents itself in your life, learn to take that increase in kundalini shakti as a approval from God that may ease and speed up all your spiritual endeavors to return home to Supreme Being . Under no conditions ever should you make an effort to block or decrease the kundalini flowing. Contrary requires to be the case. Go into mother nature for additional balancing and curing cleaning of your overall chakra and energy system. Take time for Supreme Being to heal and free you. Kundalini shakti is like a cleansing agent releasing you from spiritual ignorance by cleansing your spiritual consciousness and perception and cleaning your complete aura.

Kundalini shakti descends from God.

The Kundalini energy comes from God and returns to Supreme Being . The flow of this life force along the great nadis, sometimes also named meridians or energy channels, causes the chakras to go around. Each chakra is rotating in the opposite way of its immediate neighbor-chakras. One turning clockwise the following one counterclockwise and so forth . The Chakras of a women are revolving the opposite way from male chakras. A woman and a man facing each other however may be in concordance with each other because facing each others the Chakras are revolving in the same way relative to each other, producing attraction and harmony – boosting the power of the opposite body. Pray to God to receive assitance when you experience a sudden increase of kundalini force.

kriya yoga, kriya yoga techniques, pray to god,

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