Athletic Endurance and Redox Molecules in ASEA

May 5, 2012 robot Fitness

ASEA is a nutritional supplement. Each bottle delivers millions of   perfectly balanced molecules that are present in human cells and serve as cellular messengers. Among other functions these messengers enhance the effectiveness of antioxidants, assist cells to get rid of toxins and support the healing response.

In order to measure the impact that ASEA Redox signaling molecules have on athletic staying power, a VO2max athletic endurance test was conducted on seventeen athletes in 2009.This measurement is designed to facilitate comparison between the performance of a varied group of athletes on the VO2max test before they took ASEA and after using ASEA for two weeks.

Consider the body as a machine: oxygen (O2) is combined with fats and sugars to create energy. The waste products include carbon dioxide (CO2) which is exhaled. The amount of O2 breathed in should be directly proportionate l to the CO2 breathed out.

We attain a point, however, when the power output of the muscles exceeds the capability of the lungs and heart to provide the required oxygen. Now an anaerobic process (energy without oxygen) starts and the waste products of this process include lactic acid and CO2. This anaerobic CO2 output, along with the aerobic CO2 waste can be measured.

VT is defined as the stage between the end of pure aerobic energy production and the start of a mixture of aerobic and anaerobic energy production. It exhibits as a distinct increase of lactic acid in the tissues and blood which impairs the ability of the tissues to absorb oxygen efficiently, making the aerobic process less efficient. At the Anaerobic Threshold (AT), the accumulation of lactic acid starts to spiral up out of control. Soon after AT, the carbohydrate supply also runs out and the muscle tissue fails to function. This point of complete exhaustion usually will come shortly after VO2max, (the point where the body is taking in the greatest amount of Oxygen possible).

  • Simplified, the test had two crucial measurements – one is VO2max – the point where the atheletes achieved their maximum o2 intake 
  • and  how much time it took to get there.  

The subjects in the study were first evaluated.  Then, for a interval of 2 weeks took 4 oz of ASEA every day, after which they were tested again.  On average after taking ASEA for two weeks, the VO2max scores increased 3% and the time it took to reach that maximum capacity increased 10%.

Read the full report at ASEA and Athletic Endurance.

ASEA, athletic endurance, redox molecules,

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