The Following Killer Flu — Can We Stop It?

May 30, 2013 robot Uncategorized

There is serious concern a new monster flu, nicknamed “Bird Flu,” may mix with normal flu and destroy thousands of people. This is one way Robert Webster of St. Jude Youngsters’ Research Hospital in Memphis characterizes this monster virus — and take note that Dr. Webster is studying influenza for the past 40 years:

“This virus right from scratch is probably the…

Virus period is just nearby once again. But now, it might be coming disguised as a serial killer.

There’s serious concern that the new monster flu, nicknamed “Bird Flu,” may mix with common flu and kill thousands of people. This is how Robert Webster of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis characterizes this killer virus — and take note that Dr. Webster has been learning flu for the past 40 years:

“This virus right from scratch is just about the worst influenza virus, in terms of being highly pathogenic, that I’ve ever seen or worked with.”

A catastrophe is feared by public health experts, including those at the World Health Organization,.

In planning, the Usa has ordered 2.3 million doses of an antiviral called “Tamiflu.” 2.3 million for a state of 300 million. However, the U.S. has decided to place all of its chips on an vaccine, a vaccine that is based on an early seed of bird flu, which most experts agree has already mutated into something quite different, and that means when bird flu gets here, it could not answer any vaccine.

Probably the most surprising fact about this new chicken flu virus is just how much research does not know about it. The mystery remains of how people get infected. Is it by breathing the air near feces? By eating goose meat? By holding? No one really knows.

Meanwhile, health authorities continue to experiment with genetic modifications, slaughter contaminated hen, and run computer simulations on stress get a grip on. It is clear that hospitals and first responders will be totally overcome, as will mortuaries.

If you’re not afraid at this point, then take the time to see the address essay of the October 2005 issue of National Geographic. Research these pictures. Review these tables and charts. Then consider, what’re chances that my home town will be hit by a killer virus, my children this flu year? At this time, WHO says chances are ten percent the monster can pick you.

this site the infographic

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