A Startling Fact About The Dangers Of Labeling

May 24, 2013 robot Uncategorized

Frequently, we use labels on ourselves and others without even knowing that we’re doing it. And most often, they’re negative. What we dont know is how much theses labels may hurt us and others.

The process is, on a conscious level what ever you express to yourself repetitively, even though you know that it’s incorrect, your subconscious mind believes it.

For instance, after losing something, have you ever said to on your own, “I am so stupid.” You realize that you are only frustrated but your subconscious takes you seriously.

Once something is believed by your subconscious mind, it sets out to confirm it is belief and your efforts can be self sabotaged by it to change and develop.

In reality, you could be keeping a few labels on your self that you’re not really conscious of because you’ve been saying and feeling them for way too long. They might be about how well you believe you can learn, cook, travel and sometimes even appear promptly.

These brands literately get a grip on your life and prevent you from moving forward.

Additionally, when we use labels on other people, just as in knowing, we start to see only the label. Brands are stagnating and don’t allow the other person to grow.

People will appear for information that confirms the tag that’s been placed on an individual. They’ll talk to the person according to their brand, and anything is heard by dont beyond it.

People may literately dismiss something that is not inline with their idea in regards to the other person and the label they wear them.

For example, if you believed that a person was clumsy and often stated that they were clumsy, you’d dismiss all the times that they walked or did anything with grace and simplicity.

Then if any such thing happened that even remotely looked awkward you then could say, “see, what did I tell you, you’re always so


This may make the person very nervous before you and the more the person worries the more likely it is for something to happen. It then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I’ve seen some men do this to women, if they believe that all women are too emotional. The girl could go for weeks and maybe not be upset with something then something happens, he will go, “see, what did I tell you, women always get upset.” All along ‘forgetting’ if they, themselves were disappointed.

Often these men may even provoke your partner, by saying to them over repeatedly, now won’t get annoyed. This is treating the other person is really a way that you believe they’ll behave which in turn creates the very behavior that you were wanting to prevent in the initial place.

People see and hear what they want to believe. And compounding that’s, hear and what you see is filtered through your opinion. So in the end you get only a partial message that leaves out anything that opposes your beliefs.

Sometimes people hold back information from the other person in the hopes confusing them to help keep their belief living in regards to the other person’s skills. This makes the behavior that the other person desires to show.

Labeling can also contributes to criticism, bigotry and hate. Specially when young children are listening to us. They are learning how to act in repeat and society what they hear, which in turn influences how their future may turn out.

Some labels are:






Trouble maker






Good / bad

Right / wrong

Also positive brands may irritate and hurt. You can find those who

and said that they are tired of always hearing that they are the pretty, great, wise one etc. It stifles who they’re and their potential to develop if they feel they should stay with in the label.

Ask yourself, what labels you employ on others and yourself. Start observing how usually you say them and consider, do you think they’re true. Then start replacing them with sayings that are more effective in growing to your own potential.

Contemplate with this price, when you are doing that.

Exactly what irritates us about others may lead us to an

Knowledge of ourselves. –Carl Jung

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