Your Boss Hates Your Ink!

April 21, 2012 robot Beauty

Just about everyone hates work but the reality is to eat you really need a job. That means just about all of us belong to one of two groups: those currently without a job that need one and those with a job that need a better one. In today’s economy and competitive job market you need every edge you have . One thing you don’t wantholding you back is ink . Tattoo removal may be something you can think about .

No Promotion If You Have Too Much Ink

In every survey one message comes out very obvious : employers don’t like tats! You may love your ink , I mean, you chose to get it done and you chose the design so, yeah, that makes sense . However, that doesn’t mean your boss feels the same way . This is especially true of ink in highly visible areas of the body , like your forearm, hands, ankles or neck. God forbid you have any tats higher than your neck. You can forget about a good job in most cases if you do.

So you want a job, or you want a better job but you’ve got tats that are getting in the way . What are your choices ? That is the main question. You need to “Do” something to fix the situation . Here are your two choices: cover it up with clothing or get your ink removed for good . Doing nothing is an expensive choice . Think about all the money you aren’t making right now because of too much ink . Add that up over a lifetime of work and you could go buy a house somewhere. The sooner you do something the better off you will feel and the more money you will make too.

Covering It Up

If your job requires a uniform with long sleeves then you may not have a problem . However, if you are tired of long sleeves and work in a hot environment Tatjacket is one idea that might be worth considering . Tatjacket sells acylic sleeves for 20 bucks a pair that you wear over your arm or lower leg. You can get them off the company website of the same name. This Editthistext will work for those of us who love their ink but need to cover it up during work hours .


If you decide to go for tattoo removal there are many ways to accomplish it . Many people decide laser is best for them. Laser usually works well but it isnot cheap and takes many months to complete treatment . There are also different types of light treatment that havebeen successful in removing tattoos: known as IRC and IPL. For smaller designs , tattoo excision, or surgery , by a qualified medical professional is the quickest and most effective method of tattoo removal . There are many products on the market today as well for at home use. These products are usually either acids, which burn the skin, or skin lighteners. Creams, usually skin lighteners, tend to fade the tattoo rather than remove it. Some at home products work on some folks and some don’t seem to work at all.

Just remember, whatever you decide , whether laser or acid or skin lightening, requires time and patience . Regardless , you can take comfort in realizing that tattoos are not forever anymore.


ink, tattoo removal,

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