Excel Database Tutorial

October 11, 2012 sarah Uncategorized

If you keep in touch with your customers your business WILL be more profitable.

Not following up or corresponding with previous clients is, without doubt, the most neglected area of marketing for most small businesses.

This could well be the reason most businesses close down within the first year. It is not to be neglected.

Do you collect your customers details? If not, then you should be!

An up-to-date database of paying customers is a very valuable asset to ANY business.

If you have a list of buyers in your possession you have an invaluable asset as you have the ability to proactively generate sales.

Generating business is a snap if you have these systems in place.

To get started you can either purchase a specialty database or if you don’t want to fork out the money, start with Microsoft Excel.

Creating your own excel database is free (if you have Microsoft Office).

Setting up your database correctly from the start will save you heaps of time and hassle in the long run.

This website tells you step-by-step how to set up your excel database correctly right from the get go;

Excel Database

Once you have your customers on a database the most important task from here is to keep in contact with them.

Email and direct mail is the most obvious choice of method here.

Just imagine if you were receiving over a twelve month period from your local cafe a newsletter every three months, together with a birthday card including a gift voucher, as well as regular prize draws and discount vouchers.

The next time you wanted to go out somewhere to eat who would you think of first?

You guessed it. 99% of the time you’d go to the restaurant that kept in good contact with you.

This is the exact reason why wise business people keep a database.

Exceed your customers expectations and you will be remembered forever!

The fastest way to build up your database is to do a prize draw or raffle where people have to fill in their details to enter.

Make the prize really good or else your opt-in rate won’t be good.

Keep at it month after month and watch your database grow.

About The Author:This article is written by Neville Pettersson. Neville runs a small business marketing company in Christchurch, NZ.

He has designed this website as a valuable resource for small business owners to keep in touch with their customers. Visit the website at:


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