Internet Marketing Success Tips
To make money online today is getting easier and harder. Easier because there are more tools you can use to get more work done faster. Easier because of the wealth of knowledge from people who already make money online.
But also harder because so many new people come into this business on a daily basis from around the world. The competition in most niches is extreme. The days of finding unknown profitable niches every week are long gone.
Very few have been undiscovered with the large numbers of free and paid keyword research tools. To find new keywords that everyone else knows about you really need to think outside the box and get into the head of your prospect and try keywords you make up of your own.
What would they type in if they were a good prospect for your product or service?
Come up with a few each day and check them out. Also look at what others are already using. Spyfu is a great website to come up with the keywords others are paying to advertise on.
If the same websites are advertising on a keyword constantly and for weeks in a row. The odds are good that keyword is making money for them.
You could build a great business letting others do the discovery and copying the keywords they are using. It is like a fast start to profits.
Do you really think you are going to have the money to explore and test to find 1000 keywords that are worth it?
Let others find the good niches, keywords and products. Then just do what they are doing.
One caveat, look at the websites and dig deeper to see how long they have been in business, do they look like they know what they are doing and run through their marketing funnels to see what they are selling and how they are doing it.
This is the fast way to internet marketing success. Mimick other successful marketing and do what they do. Find out what products they offer and what backends and one time offers they are using to stay in business.
Don’t try to be special and unique or find the next BIG thing. Sell what others are already making money selling.
Research any niche to see HOW people are making money. Build the same kind of websites, advertise where they do, sell the same kind of product. If they are using squeeze pages, you should test your own squeeze page.
To make money before you run out of money, don’t waste time being an inventor. Do what others have already proven works.
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