House Improvements

March 3, 2015 sarah Uncategorized


Reno’s can be a very vast area of construction that can be overwhelming to most people that try and tackle the job themselves. First you have to ask yourself what you think when you hear the phrase home renovations. Are you thinking of redecorating? Or maybe you are thinking of how the last contractor ripped you off. Or maybe you are thinking of a new kitchen or building an addition to your home. No matter what you are thinking you will want to do a lot of research on the topic. There are many books out there that will give you many ideas before you hire someone to do your kitchen or landscape your yard.


How To Books


Just because you are buying a how to book does not mean you are installing or building something for yourself. I always tell my clients that if they are wanting to do any kind of renovation that they should research the subject. That way if they hire a company out of the newspaper or the phone book and that person is doing something totally wrong my clients will know right away.




This by itself can be a huge area of improvement. For instance do you want to renovate the whole kitchen? New counters? Ever wonder why are kitchen granite countertops unique?New Tiles? New cupboards? Or maybe you want to resurface the cabinets and put on a new counter. A lot of people only decide to install granite. In face where I am from you would not believe how much granite Edmonton homeowners have installed on a yearly basis.




This is another place in the home that can create a lot of value. Not just in returns as in money, but in the use value you will receive from the improvment as well. Some of my clients do a lot of work themselves. Then call a plumber in Edmonton to help them with the tough parts.


Decks and Fences


Nothing like getting a lot of privacy in the summer, and what better way than building a new deck and fence for yourself. Just about any builders Edmonton has can build you a deck or fence. You can also pick up a book, buy a hammer and get some material and in a weekend or two this project will be complete.

or maybe,

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