What Causes Candida Die Off ?
Millions of people develop a Candida Related Complex at some point in their lives. This is when the body is subjected to an overpopulation of yeast colonies in the GI tract. If this goes untreated and the colony count reaches critically high levels then it can create a number of health problems for these affected individuals.
Candida die off is the term that is used to describe when the yeast colonies are being killed (or are dying off). The causes of Candida die off include pro-biotic diets, dietary restrictions, and our own immune responses. However it is most often observed in cases where antifungal or anti-bacterial drugs are used.
There is another term that you should be familiar with, and this is the “Herxheimer Reaction”. This refers to the body’s reaction when the Candida die off rate becomes so high that our systems can not effectively handle the elimination of the toxins that are being produced. The symptoms that result can be mild to severe and are very similar to those seen when someone has a bad case of the flu.
Although it is necessary to rid your body of a certain level of superfluous yeast colonies there are methods that you can use that will create far less problems for your body. The first task is to try and avoid prescription medications that might lead to an overgrowth of Candida in the first place. If you use a top quality detox system you can help eliminate Candida safely and easily. This will make you a healthier individual and it will lessen the likelihood that you will become a victim of “Herxheimer Reaction” in the process.
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