Simple Golf Swing Tips That Will Improve Your Golf Swing

June 7, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

Maybe one of the best things that Tiger Woods ever did for golf was bringing it to the masses. More middle class income earners are getting involved with golf, a sport that used to be only for the upper class. Well, it is still up to this day the same old classy sport. The only difference is, those who can afford golf are now trying it out. Tiger has also left a legacy in the sport including showing great skill in the various disciplines, which include the power and short games and putting, important to the sport of golf. Here are a few golf swing tips that can help you play golf well without paying for an expensive instructor.

Like any other sport or game, you must first identify your goal, which is of course to get to the hole in the shortest and most efficient way possible. How do you get there? You must overcome obstacles like roughs, sand bunkers, and water hazards. Visualize these in your head and direct the ball to where you want it to go. This involves a lot of imagination which many golfers fail at doing. Consider the wind in picking the right angle and force. These aspects can help you get the ball in the right direction and let it land where you want it to.

The next thing you must do properly is grip the club. Properly gripping the club will bring you success so do not handle it as if you’re strangling it. Let it breathe. But do not grip it too loosely as you are in danger of releasing the club too prematurely or even slicing the ball. Just put a good grip on your club – like holding a child’s arm and guiding him or her towards the direction you want him or her to go. Same concept should apply when you are driving the club towards the direction you want the ball to go in.

After gripping the club the right way, then the art of swinging follows. This is where most golf swing tips would actually focus on. Though, do not let your backswing be the reason why your golf swing failed. When you get the backswing right, chances are, you’ll get the downswing right, too. The primary reason why beginners fail with their backswing is because they tend to lift the club when they aren’t supposed to. Just hold it and swing it backwards. As you perform the swing, do not forget to twist your body in accordance with the angle of your backswing. This helps you channel the force directly to your club efficiently.

As you release the force from the backswing to execute the downswing, make sure that you use the same principle. Do not lift the club to let the force flow smoothly. Remember, your goal in making sure you execute the right swing is to do it with a good smooth arc. Your speed on the downswing should also be about 30 percent more of the speed used with your backswing. This ensures a smooth flow, proper force to be applied to let the ball tee-off, and a wonderful follow-through.

Consider these golf swing tips at your next game and you’ll see that it will work for you. Golf requires a lot of planning to get the right strategies, a lot of practice to become skilled in the various golf disciplines, and a lot of exercise to keep your mind and body healthy.

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