Royal Investment Consortium Concentrates on Growth Opportunities in Latin America

April 16, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

Royal Investment Consortium President, Dr. Janko F. Rottmann, said that they consistently seek out growth prospects; this includes increasing their penetration in the Hispanic markets. Furthermore, he stated that they look to strengthen their global presence and also look to consolidate the Bank’s leadership in the Brazilian market. They opened a new office in 2012 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Their private bank in Latin America and Brazil have more than $35bn of assets under management.

Since 1984, Dr. Janko F. Rottmann has been successfully working for Royal Investment Consortium. He has graduate degrees in finance and economics. His studies have included international law, accounting, banking, finance, and entrepreneurship. At the beginning of 2013, he explained that cross-business referral agreements with the retail banking, investment, and corporate teams were responsible for more than 40 % of the Bank’s $18bn net new money collected during the last few years.

Royal Investment Consortium expanded in 2012 with new hires. In addition, they expanded through the opening of branches in specific high-growth potential regions in Latin America. The Bank, a few years back, developed their real estate advisory and solution partners services. They developed this to take advantage of the prospects created by liquidity events. Their focus is on clients’ illiquid assets.

Dr. Rottmann believes that the sustainability of the Consortium’s long-term outcomes hinges on their clients? satisfaction with investment performance as well as the quality of the advisory process. He mentioned that, particularly in 2011, ultra-high-net-worth individuals powered the majority of the Bank’s growth.

janko f, latin america, royal investment consortium,

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