The Psychology of Emotional Hot Buttons in Selling

April 9, 2014 sarah Uncategorized

Sales copy is eventually needed for everything, and that is where the rub is for so many online marketers. Here’s an article that talks about a few psychological sales tips that will help you achieve a higher number of sales through your copy.

Value is a relative and somewhat arbitrary concept, but it is still something that is critically important to your prospects. When you consider the value or worth of an item, what are all the thoughts that course through your brain? Plus there are other points such as desperation for a solution, real scarcity and any time constraints. So, that is a huge job for you to undertake – conferring the true value in a way that does not come across like a big sales pitch. If you are able to look at your own sales copy or ad in an objective way, then you could get an accurate idea about the value. You will really never know what the market will bear until you actually run tests at different price points.

Let’s face it, people are naturally suspicious these days, and they tend to be judgmental about each and every product they come across.

We hate to say it, but only a fool would take everything they read in sales letters as the gospel truth. Risk is something that everybody seeks to avoid and therefore do their homework before actually putting their money at stake. So it is a good idea to just assume nobody will trust you, and that is probably pretty close to the truth. So what’s the solution? Back up all your claims with strong evidence, such as clear testimonials, test results, facts, survey results, expert endorsements, and any scientific data that might help you prove your point. For example, let us assume that you are an accountant trying to explain about the benefits of capital allowances then you will need to explain this with care and illustrate the benefits to the client before they will be ready to part with any money. One way to accomplish this may be to use a tool to calculate capital allowances to show how much tax could be saved.

You can’t force people to buy something from you, no matter how good the product is that you’re selling. If you want to stay in business, then the best way to deal with your marketing is to be upfront in all respects. As you know, there have been too many times when the stated claims could not be matched by reality. So then among other things you will need to find a way to convince the reader that your product will deliver the goods. The moment you come across like you are trying too hard, you will lose most of your readers. The best copywriters do this without resorting to such tactics, and it is not really hard to avoid doing. Getting your prospects to trust you and buy from you may not happen overnight, so focus on building a higher trust level with your prospects through repeated positive exposure to your business. So then it comes down to making that happen and then not ruining it.

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