How To Get Out Of The Rat Race
The most popular topic of conversation these days is the stock market turmoil and how and where it is impacting the lives of those you know and love. By and large the people who are having these conversations are the ones that haven’t learnt how to get out of the Rat Race yet.
I have no words of wisdom about what to do with your specific investments. There are others far more qualified to help you there.
All I can do is continue to beating the drum about being prepared for life’s eventualities. For example “What would happen if your income was reduced and/or eliminated unexpectedly?”
Here’s a little reality check for you. Why not have an imaginary “fire drill”? Why not pretend you had to live on one income or half what you make. Give it a try. I know it will open your eyes or at the very least give you a long overdue reality check.
Believe it or not there are some people who are not too concerned about all that is going on in the markets right now because they have already learnt how to get out of the Rat Race
If they lost their jobs or had a decrease in their income it wouldn’t be much of a catastrophe because they have already learnt how to get out of the Rat Race by creating their Plan B already.
Your whole world-view is a LOT different when you get out of the Rat Race.
If you have don’t know what I’m talking about you need to learn how to how to get out of the Rat Race
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