Tinnitus: Its not just a Disease, its a Symptom!

December 21, 2013 robot Uncategorized

If you’ve Tinnitus then you are most probably acquainted with a number of the most common causes.

There is a complete listing of them for you to select from.

Only when you start to examine the known facts and their potential consequences will the entire range of Tinnitus start to occur.

There can be a million reasons why you’ve Tinnitus. Lets have a brief look at some of the most frequent symptoms for tinnitus.

How many of those signs is it possible to connect with your self? Add more in case you have to.

Lack of focus,



Cultural re-treat,

Depressive moods,

Lack of persistence,


Panic disorder,



Tension and pressure,

Insufficient self esteem,




Other than the hearing loss that will be real, all other symptoms listed below are of the sub-conscious nature.

Allows get 3 essential things into perspective here. I will repeat these 3 sentences until they are tattooed in-to your heart.

1. Tinnitus is not a disease, it is an indication!

2. You are not sick and you are not mentally ill. You are being warned!

3. If you take it as being a part of you you’ll destroy tinnitus.

The earlier you can get to create progress, when you’re ready to accept that the tinnitus is an integral part of you.

The energy of the head is incredible. Look at this carefully. If tinnitus succeeded in turning your life ugly

then accept the fact that all it used to attain misery was your own head. Thats quite an achievement isnt it??

Thats how powerful your mind is. If it’s the capability to make your life a complete misery then certainly it could be re-programmed to do the opposite.

Its entirely up to you. The solution lies within yourself and your power to learn.

What do we know about the causes of tinnitus?.

Where is there its roots?

Ever heard of social disease? Me either. Get extra resources on our favorite partner encyclopedia by visiting san diego hearing aid on-line. Their a term that I prefer though.

In Germany its named Volkskrankheit ( has nothing related to cars ).

I once tried to make a list of all factors which I thought may have led to MY own tinnitus. Obviously, I outlined the negative facets of my life over a 10-year period.

Some of those things has been eliminated, a lot of them were associated with one another. Dont forget, this really is only a listing of items that I believe should be mentioned.

Ive tried not to generalize and Ive tried my most useful to keep honest, even though it indicates confessing with a bad sins. To check up additional info, we recommend people peep at: check out san diego hearing aids. Get new resources on our favorite partner use with – Hit this web site: wholesale hearing aids san diego.

To be completely honest its never as spectacular since it looks. I-t just looks outrageous when written down!

Marital Stress,

Major smoking,

Drug and medication abuse, (i.e. Valium, Marijuana, Cocaine)

Relationship disaster,

Poor eating habits,

Loud sounds,

Not enough exercise,

High cholesterol,

High blood sugar rate,

Particular reduction,

Coffee addiction ( coffee and cola )


Economic Dilemmas,


Company challenges,

Tendency to be worried about anything.

So.there we’ve it.

It seems bad I am aware. The worst thing is that I am certainly one of thousands who used to call home like this. If you cant determine with anything written on this list then you shouldnt have tinnitus. Any one of these factors independently would-be hazardous enough for any person.

Combine them and youre left with an occasion bomb waiting to burst.

So we now have two lists. The very first one above describes the signs and the next one describes possible causes. In the event that you look carefully at the causes it will not just take much imagination to conjure up a ‘symptom list’ such as the one above. What else can you expect?.

I dare youTake a pencil and paperwrite down your personal ‘bad record.’ Be positively honest and jot down everything that you arent pleased with or maybe would rather forget. Write down all the things you’d like to change if you had a magic wand. ( My bad number is there for everyone to view. You are able to cover yours :o)

By the way, you dont need to have tinnitus to produce a record like mine. I’d be ready to bet that EVERYONE may come up with a list just like mine. I say only similar because I know that perhaps not many people are over-weight, or cigarettes or tried drugs.

Think carefully about that which you are reading on your list. If you are very honest, you’ll find that you dont require a magic wand to shorten this list. The only person on this earth that could change this number to some thing to be proud of is YOU!

I con-sider myself to be lucky. Tinnitus gave me a chance to re-shuffle my entire life

When moreDont forget.

1. Tinnitus isn’t a disease, it is a symptom.

2. You are not sick and you’re not mentally ill. You’re being warned!

3. If you take it as being a part of you you will beat tinnitus.

After an ‘oral accident ‘two years ago which left me with a temporary lack of all reading I’d no other choice than to take action. This grand abbott hearing aid center san diego site has several dynamite aids for where to engage in it.

Ive been looking for an English Term for the German term Hrsturz. In fact this expression is made of 2 words.

Hr (to hear ) and Sturz ( to accident ). I find this a fitting period

Anyway this ‘Auditory Crash’ of hearing lasted nearly 2 days at one of the most and thanks to my doctor, I was up and a couple of week later.

After reading several books and gathering all the information I can find, I chose to take action. I didnt know it then, but the decision to cut out everything that was harming me probably saved my life.

Did you already write down your own list?. If not.lets imagine this is your list.

Where would you begin?

There are a few things you can change without delay and straight away. Other activities will require great patience, a lot of time and the will to alter.

‘Lets start in the very beginning, a very good place you start’ ( Richard Rodgers 1902 1979 )

Once moreDont forget.

1. Tinnitus is not a disease, it’s a sign.

2. You’re not ill and you’re not mentally ill. You’re being informed!

3. You will beat tinnitus if you recognize it as being a part of you.

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