Considering A Pellet Fireplace Insert
Energy costs are rising and using a traditional fireplace to heat your home is both impractical and expensive. Instead you could utilize the space of your fireplace and install a pellet fireplace insert. They are very popular, green and can be used as an additional heating source in any room of your home.
In order to determine the size of pellet fireplace insert you need figure that it takes 20 to 30 BTU’s per square foot to heat a room. You can either get a free standing unit that you will have to vent or one that will fit inside of your fireplace and vent up the chimney for easy installation and you can still maintain the look of your fireplace.
There are two types of pellets that you can burn. They are standard grade which contains more ash and premium grade which burns cleaner and is costlier. Multifuel inserts and stoves can burn wood and wood alternative pellets such as those made from corn, wheat and other materials. This type of fuel takes up a significantly smaller space than traditional firewood.
Reliance on foreign oil is unpredictable and the costs are rising all the time. Fossil fuels have a finite availability and they add to air pollution. Many countries offer tax incentives to purchase a pellet fireplace insert or free standing unit and they will give you a clean burn and require very little maintenance.
Pellets can be purchased in your communities giving money back to your town and keeping jobs in your area. Contributing to the self-reliance of the country is good for everyone and also is good for the environment.
Pellet fireplace insert can range in price from 1,500 to 3,500 USD depending on the style and size that you choose. Wood pellets can cost from 2.50 to 5.00 USD per 20 to 40 pound bag. You will instantly save on your heating expenses after your initial investment.
Designs are varied to match you decor and taste and there are many options you can add on to customize to stove to fit your lifestyle. Pellet emissions are so low that they are not even regulated. The heat from the pellet fireplace insert can also be directed to other rooms in your home through a ventilation system. Getting a pellet fireplace is a great idea.
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