7 reasons why a positive frame of mind is important when experiencing social anxiety.

April 28, 2012 sarah Fitness

Life is often hard every so often. Unfortunately tests, tribulations and problems are part and parcel of live that affects all of use. Experiencing issues is not always a bad thing, what is important is the approach we take to deal with them. That’s the reason a positive mindset is so crucial.

1. Fact: A positive frame of mind is a result of increased levels of nerve transmitters such as serotonin that control the part of the brain that is responsible for your performance skills. It is a bodily process that can be stimulated by yourself.

2. Truth: Positive thinking is proven to enhance productivity and performance in all areas of life. We tend to think more actively and perform better when we are feeling positive and well.

3. It can lead to improved health, not only better mental health but better in the physical sense. This is because of the boost to the immune system that a positive mindset can give you from positive hormones.

4. It gives you a can do attitude. Individuals who remain positive are far more likely to see challenges rather than problems or possibilities rather than issues.

5. A positive frame of mind is not an attribute for a privileged few. It is something that is available to everybody. Anybody, that is, who is willing to put in the necessary work to achieving it.

6. Creating a positive mindset is not some new aged development. For hundreds of years spiritual men and scholars alike searched for and created strategies to harness their inner harmony.

7. One of the most efficient ways to overcome social anxiety is with a positive mindset, it will allow you to reprogram your attitude to the world around you and that means the people in it as well. The way you are with other people will have an effect on the choices you get presented.

Social anxiety is a major health issue, if you are struggling and looking for help in coping visit www.overcomingsocialanxiety.info

The contents of this article is taken from my experience of social anxiety and how I was able to overcome anxiety by understanding the cause. I am not a medical expert so must advise that you consult a doctor before acting on any medical advice given.

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