marriage mysteries unveiled

July 24, 2013 sarah Uncategorized

The wedding ceremony is surprisingly rich with a variety of fun and interesting things that can keep you busy for hours. I had never considered that a topic that I thought I was familiar with, could be so much bigger than I ever would have imagined.

Wedding ceremonies have undergone amazing changes that would never have considered a few years ago. What was once a basic expectation – the ceremony, usually at a church, and then a wedding reception has seen dramatic change. There are now people that look at weddings unlike they ever have before, and it can be seen in the wedding ceremony. For example, I recently read an article and saw a video of a couple performing their wedding vows underwater, in full clad SCUBA gear.

Another area that has undergone some very significant changes are the way wedding vows are viewed. The familiar solicitation by the family preacher of the words ’til death do us part’ was the substance of nearly every wedding ceremony. In the present day, marriages are often referred to as “civil unions” because they are accomplished outside of the traditional Church environment. It was rarely considered that a couple would prepare their own wedding vows, but today all of that has changed and has become fairly commonplace. Basically, the wedding vows declared are completely custom made by the bride and groom, and may or may not be in the spirit of traditional weddings. At other times you may wonder if the couple are really getting married at all. One recent example is of a wedding vow between wife and Gov Mark Sanford that illustrates the point: “technically, he never promised wife Jenny that he’d be faithful, in fact, he cut fidelity out of their wedding vows.”

It makes you wonder what a woman would think in a situation like that.

Some cultures have a mix of ritualistic and ceremonial wedding commitments. Such influences may make us wonder why we shouldn’t incorporate them into our own wedding affairs, while others seem too tasteless to even mention.

And then there are some very interesting origins for some wedding customs. For example, the idea of carrying the Bride over the threshhold is not to be found in early American Culture, but is derived from when a Groom used to steal his Bride from her tribe, he was forced to carry her kicking and screaming.

It doesnt stop here. Even wedding flower arrangements are affected by custom. There is so much in the way of thought provoking, inspirational, funny and weird that we couldn’t resist making a website about it all. We are going to take a an exhaustive look at the wedding ceremony from beginning to end, and cover every conceivable topic, from culture, to dress, look at anything fun and interesting and talk about it here on this forum, So why not take the time to register, and we’ll send you an update whenever a new article is posted? Those of you with marriage on the horizon will definitely want to check back here every so often to see if there are any ideas you might be able to take advantage of.

For anybody who is needing someplace to go for a honeymoon, please don’t neglect to have a look at our affordable family vacations getways.

it makes, some cultures, wedding ceremony, wedding vows,

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