CoQ10 as Preventive Supplement

October 26, 2013 sarah Uncategorized

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a natural chemical compound that we produce in our bodies and consume in our diets, mainly from oily fish, organ meats such as liver, and whole grains. It is found in the powerhouse of cells and is the important catalyst in the production of a key molecule known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the major source of energy of the cell. ATP contributes to several important biological processes, such as the production of protein and muscle contraction.

CoQ10 has the potential to greatly improve our health. It can help fight chronic fatigue and obesity. It can also improve a weak immune system, especially for those with HIV, other viruses, and yeast infections. Athletes can benefit greatly from CoQ10 because it helps boost performance as those who exercise excessively have low CoQ10 levels in their body. For those with muscular dystrophy, CoQ10 can improve exercise tolerance. It also prevents toxin overload and enhances fertility by increasing sperm motility. Swollen gums are also in the scope of CoQ10 because those with low levels tend to develop periodontal diseases such as gingivitis.


The importance of CoQ10 for heart disease

Dr. Karl Folkers received the Priestley Medal, the most prestigious award by the American Chemical Society, for his CoQ10 research. The reason for this is that CoQ10 plays a very important role in combating heart disease, on top of the benefits enumerated above, and that was discovered by Dr. Folkers.

According to him, he found out that patients who have heart disease have lower levels of CoQ10 in the blood compared to patients who have no disease. He also discovered that 70 percent of his heart patients suffering from congestive heart failure improved significantly after taking CoQ10.

Eminent heart surgeon Denton Cooley, M.D., echoes Dr. Folkers’ discoveries. According to Cooley, in heart biopsies, he discovered that 75 percent of his heart patients had significant albeit varying deficiencies in CoQ10. He is not alone in this discovery. More than a hundred Japanese cardiac specialists who gave CoQ10 to thousands of heart patients for almost a decade also had similar findings.

Additional health benefits of CoQ10

There are also several studies involving small numbers of respondents that suggest that CoQ10 may lower blood pressure after a few weeks. These studies also infer that this important coenzyme might help prevent some of the heart damage caused by chemotherapy.

Because Coenzyme Q10 is also a very powerful antioxidant, it is not being given before heart surgery to reduce the damage caused by free radicals and oxidative damage. This therapy also serves to lower the incidence of arrhythmia (irregular heart beat) and to reinforce heart function during the recovery phase.


Coenzyme Q10 has been around for decades already and the world is only starting to uncover the majority of its amazing health benefits, especially in heart health. Incorporating CoQ10 in our daily regimen can be one of the best investments that we can make towards good health. Should you encounter doubts and negative hearsays, consult with your doctor and ask for the best dosage for you. Coenzyme Q10 is the supplement that could help prevent the most dangerous diseases that loom ahead of you.

coenzyme q10, damage caused, health benefits, heart disease, heart patients,

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