All about Shiatsu

August 31, 2012 sarah Uncategorized

Joy Taylor Westbourne Shiatsu Practice Sheffield UK.

Shiatsu is a sort of Japanese therapeutic massage developed in Japan, that has spread worldwide. The 1915 Japanese book, Shiatsu Rycho compiled by Tenpaku Tamai is among the most first written mention of the modern Shiatsu. However, Tokujiro Namikoshi’s (1905-2000) followers consider him to become the founder of Shiatsu.

Shiatsu regulates your central nervous system and promotes healing by stimulating chemical responses within you. The therapeutic effect comes from the belief that Shiatsu triggers the discharge of hormones and body chemicals essential to heal, to soothe, and make your body and mind perform optimally.

Shiatsu has been given official recognition with the EU Parliament also. It is one kind of eight non-conventional, complementary medicine disciplines mentioned in the Collins Report, that was adopted from the European Parliament in May 1997 (see references).

You’ll find 838 basic shiatsu pressure points, called Atten in Japanese. These points are available for the muscles, nerves, arteries and, lymph vessels, bones, and endocrine glands. As the therapy progresses, the therapist senses the healthiness of your body, and applies suitable forms of pressure. The foundation rule is always that, tighter the muscles are, the lighter pressure. Because muscles relax, the pressure becomes deeper but it’s always firm and steady. Knuckles, fists, elbows, and knees will never be used throughout a Namikoshi Shiatsu Treatment as they lack the required sensitivity.

Note:The data in this post is perfect for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice.

If you have medical problems get hold of your doctor first.

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